
The Charis Method

The Charis Prison Ministry is based on the Cursillo method, which is a short course in Christianity. A team of trained volunteers enters the prison to put on this three day Christian retreat. Following the retreat, the team returns to DCC for monthly follow-ups.

3-Day Weekends

The weekend encourages each participant to place their faith in Jesus Christ for eternal and abundant life by acknowledging His death on the cross as payment in full for their sins. Charis is intended to create an environment wherein each person can be touched by the Holy Spirit to begin or renew a relationship with Jesus. During the weekend, the retreat follows a defined progression and purpose.

Thursday Night

Thursday night invites participants to withdraw from the outside world. It is a time to look at ourselves and evaluate our lives.


Friday is the time to proclaim the Gospel message – living as a Christian through grace, the church and spirituality.


Saturday is a time of transition from where each person is spiritually, to what their life could be if they choose to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 


Sunday focuses on our presence in the world and our relationship with each other. We examine how Christ wants us to live in the world as a Christian, beginning with our current confinement among other inmates. 

The Grand Reunion

As soon as possible after the completion of a weekend, participants, both inside residents and the outside team of volunteers, meet together a full day for a Grand Reunion in order to provide continuing support and encourage the residents to form small prayer and share groups.

Monthly Reunion

The Charis monthly reunion is a gathering of the Charis volunteers and all residents at DCC who wish to attend. A reunion usually lasts for three hours and is held on the same day of the week and the same time each month. Institution residents and volunteers come together to worship and hear two inside witness talks, followed by discussion break-out groups. Charis team members commit to attending these monthly reunions for the twelve months following the weekend.