Photo of inmates and volunteers in a circle with their arms around one another in prayer.

Charis Means God’s Grace

Presenting God's Reconciling Love and Forgiveness in Jesus Christ to Inmates at the Delta Correctional Center in Colorado

Charis Prison Ministry, of Delta, Colorado, is an ecumenical ministry committed to fulfilling a two-fold mission. First, to present God’s reconciling love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ to offenders at the minimum security prison in Delta, Colorado. And second, to encourage the men in their transition to becoming productive citizens. Through a systematic, structured, Christ-centered program, the residents of DCC are given the opportunity to experience spiritual renewal and to accept God’s call to live a life of Christian witness and service to one another during their stay in the institution and beyond. Three day events are held twice annually, first in April and again in October. Reunions are held the third Sunday afternoon of each month. Charis is the Greek word for grace, and as used in this ministry, it means God’s Grace. 

Do You Hear God Calling You?

​“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” — Matthew 25:35, 36, 40

Do It For Jesus: Our service always starts with Jesus. Jesus is in us, pleading to be shared.

Do It For the Insiders: Many need to meet Jesus. Others need to renew their relationship with Jesus. All need to know outsiders who care. Through our weekends, the insiders can discover that they are loved unconditionally by God, can receive forgiveness for their sins and be given eternal life.

​Do It For Yourself: We all need the opportunity to share our faith and witness with others. We all need to have a purpose for living which is larger than ourselves.

We invite you to join the Charis team, participate in a Charis weekend and leave each weekend empowered by the conviction that you serve a living God. Click Here to Apply.

Ways to Support the Charis Ministry Mission


If you have heard a calling to help bring the Word of God to inmates in the Delta Correctional Center (DCC) in Colorado, or a Brother or Sister in Christ has recommended you to serve in this ministry, please complete our Volunteer Application online, or print and mail it to us. Click here to visit our Volunteer Page for more information.


Charis Prison Ministry of Delta, CO, Inc. (“Charis”) is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We are honored that you would consider donating to the Charis Prison Ministry of Delta Colorado, Inc. Your gift makes a difference. Please mail checks to PO Box 2148 Montrose, CO 81402

Invite Speaker

Volunteers from our organization welcome the opportunity to visit church congregations, Bible Study Groups and other organizations who are interested in hearing testimony about how our prison ministry has changed the lives of inmates for the Kingdom of God. Please Contact Us if you are interested in inviting a speaker.

Charis Leadership

Charis Prison Ministry of Delta, Colorado is led by a 9 Member Board of Directors. The Speaker’s Bureau spreads the inspiring stories of the ministry’s good works in the community by guest speaking at churches and service organizations.

Upcoming Events

Three day ministry events are held twice annually, first in April and again in October. Reunions are held every third Sunday of the month.

Charis #10: October 17 - 20, 2024
Charis #11: April 17 - 20, 2025
Charis #12: October 16 - 19, 2025